Getting into a new, healthier morning routine can be tough.
Our brains are wired to follow existing habits. These existing habits allow our brains to go on "auto-pilot" and save the hard thinking for other, more important tasks.
The existing habits have an established "reward" for the related behaviour (ex: take a shower = feel refreshed or brush teeth = fresh breath) already in place, which a new habit does not.
Considerations to start your day:
Do you immediately think, "I need more sleep" as soon as the alarm goes off? If so, this is likely a habitual behaviour or thought.
What if you could retrain your brain to think, ‘Yes, a new day!’ This new thought pattern may put your entire day in a new positive and less stressful perspective. When your alarm goes off, immediately think of affirming thoughts such as, "It’s going to be a great day. I look forward to meeting new challenges today."
Does your day start at a frantic pace? Try waking up 20 minutes earlier and try a few of the following things.
Have a glass of water
Breathe deeply
Put your day in perspective with positive affirmations.
Reflect on the things you are grateful for
Spend a moment in nature
The morning sets the pace for your entire day. Starting it off right can make all the difference to your mind and body.
