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Top 10 Things You Can Do About Coronavirus Covid-19

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

1. DON’T PANIC: It is not as bad as you might think. Coronavirus will exhibit flu-like symptoms and is self-limiting in most people. The reported death rates in China are as high as 2%, however more recent data in North America has put it at more like 0.1 to 1%, which is not much different than common influenza. Those who may be at a higher risk are the elderly and people who have compromised lung function or immune function, and it is important especially for these people to take extra precautions.

2. Wash your hands: Using soap and warm water, rub vigorously for at least 20 seconds. An easy way to do this is to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice. This is about 20 seconds.

3. Do not touch your face: The virus can be transmitted from hand to mouth so avoiding your face will help prevent transmission.

4. Avoid unnecessary international travel to areas known to have outbreaks.

5. Carry wipes to use on surfaces in public places.

6. Eat a healthy diet with lots of green vegetables and colourful foods.

7. Avoid sugar and processed foods. These will negatively affect your immune system.

8. Minimize stress: Being under stress can have a negative effect on your immune system.

9. Get lots of rest: Our bodies “recharge” and heal especially during deep sleep. Making sure that you get at least 7 hours of quality sleep per night will go a long way.

10. Drink Lots of Water

Supplements and Natural Strategies To Help Your Immunity

A good diet is first and foremost in ensuring that we are taking in our proper nutrients. However, taking a high-quality multivitamin/mineral formula is good insurance to “fill the gaps” in our diets. Above and beyond this, the following supplements can be very helpful in providing extra support to our immune systems:


  • Vitamin C - Vitamin C is a natural anti-viral. It is safe to take as much as you can tolerate, especially in times of need. A minimum of 3 grams up to 10g/day is safe.

  • Vitamin A - Vitamin A is essential for our immune function. Taking higher doses for short periods of time is considered safe, but it is not recommended that high doses are taken for prolonged periods

  • Vitamin D3 - Another “heavy-hitter” for many bodily functions including immunity. Taking Vit. D, especially in the winter months is a good idea. Generally, 2000 to 6000 IU /day is considered safe.


Zinc, selenium, magnesium – to name a few are essential for our immune function. Usually, a good multi will contain these but extra magnesium is good for many reasons.


Over 70% of our immune cells are located in our guts, and therefore our gut health plays a crucial role in our immunity. Taking probiotics may help supplement and improve the environment in our guts. High-quality lacto/bifido strains are essential, plus a soil-based probiotic and a yeast called saccharomyces boulardi, is a very comprehensive approach.

Also, eating fermented foods like sauerkraut and non-sweetened yogurt are a good idea.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC):

This amino acid is worth a mention because COVID 19 is typically a respiratory infection, and NAC has been shown in studies to inhibit the invasion of viruses in the lung. The effective dose in most studies is between 900 and 1200 mg/day.


There are many herbs and foods that have shown to be of benefit in boosting our immune function and in fighting off infections. These are some of the most well-known and effective:

  • Astragalus root

  • Cordyceps

  • Reishi

  • Licorice root

  • Rhodiola

  • Ginger

  • Echinacea

  • Elderberry

  • Ginger

  • Garlic

If you have any question or would like more information, please do not hesitate to call our office: 519-258-8544


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