What is wellness?
It is the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health.
Wellness is more than just exercise or proper nutrition, overall wellness can also include:
Social wellness
Emotional wellness
Spiritual wellness
Environmental wellness
Occupational wellness
Intellectual wellness
Physical wellness
Here are some famous quotes to inspire your wellness journey.
"A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs." Joan Welsh
"Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other." Joseph Addison
"My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass." Terri Guillemets
"Live in rooms full of light. Avoid heavy food. Be moderate in the drinking of wine. Take massage, baths, exercise, and gymnastics. Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water. Change surroundings and take long journeys. Strictly avoid frightening ideas. Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements. Listen to music. " A. Cornelius Celsus
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." World Health Organization
"If you are able to see the interrelatedness of mind and body, sensitivity towards your body becomes much sharper. Therefore, the maintaining of good health also becomes easier." Lobsang Tenzin
