Let's Celebrate Spring with DISCOVER WEEK!
The week of April 29 to May 3 we will be hosting a spring Discover Chiropractic Week.
During this week we will be offering the opportunity for your friends and family to Discover Chiropractic. We will be offering a complimentary consultation, exam and a Report of Findings
Visit. The total value of this offer is over $100.
We have health passes for this complimentary visit, that you can give to anyone you feel may benefit from finding out if theirs is a chiropractic case.
You know the people in your lives that keep saying, “one day I will get in there”. Well this is the week!
This is only a one week event with a limited number of spaces. Please encourage your family, friends, or co-workers to call early at 519-258-8544 to schedule their appointment. Make sure they give us your name as we will be entering your name each time you refer someone, into our Discover week drawing.
For any of you that have been just too busy and haven't come in for an adjustment in the last 6 months you can also take this opportunity to update your file and have a complementary exam as well.
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Yours in Health,
Dr.Scott Colasanti